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2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights

2024 News 4770

The Yaham Annual Party held in InterContinental Hotel on Friday, January 19, 2024 was an outstanding success. Let’s review the highlights in the annual party.

Delivering New Year Speech
The annual party kicked off with the inspiring new year speeches. The leaders of Yaham reflected on the accomplishments of the past year, shared insights into their future plans while the Director of MIIT expressed high expectations on the development of Yaham.

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Speech From Chairman, Zhu Haitao
2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
Speech From CEO, Jiao Weiqi
2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
Speech From Director Of MIIT, Zhang Qifang

Commendation For Outstanding Individuals And Teams
The hard work and dedication of every employee are crucial and indispensable for the development and growth of an enterprise. Yaham has recognized and awarded the outstanding individuals and teams who have achieved substantial results for company, encouraging them to keep moving forward and get greater success.

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2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham

Commendation For Excellent Suppliers And Suppliers’ Presentations
By partnering with industry-leading suppliers like NICHIA, CREE, Nationstar, Macroblock, Chipone, Delta, Meanwell, and NOVA STAR, Yaham ensures a steady supply of high-quality raw materials and components. Thanks for their continuous support and service, Yaham stands out in the market with its top-quality LED screens.

2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
Excellent Suppliers
2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
Nichia, General Manager, Yu Li
2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
Nationstar, General Manager, Qin Kuai
2023 Yaham Annual Party Highlights - yaham
Jointec, General Manager, Jin Zheng

Cheers And Going Forward 2024
In 2023, thanks for the dedication and hard work of all employees, Yaham has gone through the test of winds and rains, has seen beautiful scenes unfolding on the way, and has made plenty real achievements. Going forward, we have full confidence in the future.

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Yaham Group Management Team

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